Messolonghi, a municipality of 34,416 people in western Greece, will place host to the EuroDrone U-space testbed, The demonstration will test U-space functionalities up to U3; the architecture is made up of cloud software (DroNav) and hardware (transponder) to be installed on drones. It is a sophisticated self-learning system based on software and hardware elements, operating in a distributed computing environment, offering multiple levels of redundancy, fail-safe algorithms for conflict prevention/resolution and assets management. Partners include: Aslogic, Cranfield University, Dronsystems Limited, Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA), Hellenic Post S.A. (ELTA), University of Patras (UPAT), Romanian Post (CNPR).
West Midlands Selected To Host The UK\\u2019s First Large-scale 5G Testbed
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