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ISO 21457 Materials Selection And Corrosion Control For Oil And Gas Production Systems: A Comprehens


ISO 21457:2010 identifies the corrosion mechanisms and parameters for evaluation when performing selection of materials for pipelines, piping and equipment related to transport and processing of hydrocarbon production, including utility and injection systems. This includes all equipment from and including the well head, to and including pipelines for stabilized products. ISO 21457:2010 is not applicable to downhole components.

ISO 21457 Materials Selection And Corrosion Control For Oil And Pdf

The scope for this paper is to discuss recommended application limits for materials in specific environments given in international and national standards such as ISO(1) 214571 and NORSOK(2) M-001. 2 The focus in this paper is on exposure in marine environments, seawater carrying systems and Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking (HISC) from cathodic protection (CP) in seawater. NORSOK M-001 Materials Selection was first time published in 1997 and has been revised 4 times and the current edition 5 was published in 2014. The scope for this standard is to provide guidance and requirements for material selection and corrosion protection for hydrocarbon production and process facilities and supporting systems. The last edition of the standard has been modified to give additional requirements to ISO 21457 "Materials selection and corrosion control for oil and gas production systems".

The ISO 21457 was published in September 2010. The basis for the development was the NORSOK Standard M-001 and internal documents from different operators. The purpose with this standard was to develop a standard on materials selection that should be a "Materials requirements standard" that should be used as general guidance on corrosion evaluations and materials selection for the standard types of equipment and facilities.3 The idea was to develop a standard that should focus on the common systems covering more than 80% of the materials selection for a project. This allows the project to focus on the complex and project specific materials selections. Both NORSOK M-001 and ISO 21457 identify candidate materials and application limits for different applications that are discussed in this paper.

The ever-growing energy demand requires the exploration and the safe, profitable exploitation of unconventional reserves. The extreme environments of some of these unique prospects challenge the boundaries of traditional engineering alloys, as well as our understanding of the underlying degradation mechanisms that could lead to a failure. Despite their complexity, high-pressure and high-temperature, deep and ultra-deep, pre-salt, and Arctic reservoirs represent the most important source of innovation regarding materials technology, design methodologies, and corrosion control strategies. This paper provides an overview of trends in materials and corrosion research and development, with focus on subsea production but applicable to the entire industry. Emphasis is given to environmentally assisted cracking of high strength alloys and advanced characterization techniques based on in situ electrochemical nanoindentation and cantilever bending testing for the study of microstructure-environment interactions.

Although these market segments are technically challenging and require significant capital investment,5 they have the potential to transform existing technologies and represent the most important source of innovation regarding materials, design methodologies, and corrosion control strategies. This section summarizes the typical environmental conditions that characterize extreme O&G environments.

Even though conventional reservoirs can be equally corrosive, HPHT prospects are considered particularly challenging regarding materials performance due to their high pressures, high temperatures, or both.17 In this regard, EAC and localized corrosion are the prime materials degradation concerns. For instance, the recently released API 17TR8 report mandates EAC testing to quantify the susceptibility of the materials to the environment and to obtain engineering design parameters such as allowable stresses, fracture toughness, and crack-growth rates.7

The approach developed by Anderko et al. has tremendous potential as it could be used to revise ISO 15156-3 limits and optimize materials selection. Additionally, the combination of a robust quantitative model and, e.g., sensors could be implemented in new corrosion risk management tools. For example, reference electrodes added to oilfield equipment could monitor E Corr over time. E Corr data could, then, be compared to E RP values, estimated as a function of the actual composition of the produced fluids. More research is needed to extend the approach to other CRA families, in particular, DSS and SDSS since their current environmental boundaries are perceived as being excessively conservative.80

ISO 21457:2010 identifies the corrosion mechanisms and parameters for evaluation when performing selection of materials for pipelines, piping and equipment related to transport and processing of hydrocarbon production, including utility and injection systems. This includes all equipment from and including the well head, to and including pipelines for stabilized products. ISO 21457:2010 is not applicable to downhole components. Guidance is given for the following:corrosion evaluations;materials selection for specific applications, or systems, or both;performance limitations for specific materials;corrosion control.ISO 21457:2010 refers to materials that are generally available, with properties that are known and documented. It also allows other materials to be evaluated and qualified for use.ISO 21457:2010 does not provide detailed material requirements or guidelines for manufacturing and testing of equipment. Such information can be found in particular product and manufacturing standards.

ISO 21457:2010 identifies the corrosion mechanisms and parameters for evaluation when performing selection of materials for pipelines, piping and equipment related to transport and processing of hydrocarbon production, including utility and injection systems. This includes all equipment from and including the well head, to and including pipelines for stabilized products. ISO 21457:2010 is not applicable to downhole components. Guidance is given for the following:corrosion evaluations;materials selection for specific applications, or systems, or both;performance limitations for specific materials;corrosion control.ISO 21457:2010 refers to materials that are generally available, with properties that are known and documented. It also allows other materials to be evaluated and qualified for use.ISO 21457:2010 does not provide detailed material requirements or guidelines for manufacturing and testing of equipment. Such information can be found in particular product and manufacturing standards.

can occur in produced water systems and the materials selectionis influenced strongly by operating experience. The produced watersystems can be complex, and oxygen contamination may occur in somecircumstances as described in Seawater ingress from drainsystems has also been experienced. Some produced water systems cansupport bacterial activity, especially if the sulphateconcentration is high due to break though of seawater from previousseawater injection. In such circumstances, microbial corrosion isthe main integrity threat for carbon steel. Oxygen ingress and MICwill strongly influence the effectiveness of the chemicalinhibition.The typical materials for produced water systems aregiven in Table 4.

To analyse the current and pending ISO/TC 67 design andequipment standards for references to materials, corrosion control,welding and joining and NDE requirements in order to determine thegaps and overlaps;

To propose the initiation of new work items that are directlyrelevant to ISO/TC 67 and that are specifically in the fields ofmaterials, corrosion control, welding and joining and NDE, and torecommend where in ISO the work could be done most efficiently;

ISO 21457 Materials selection and corrosion control for oil andgas production systemsBasisObjective ISO/NP21457ScheduleScopeInternal corrosion evaluationExternal corrosionevaluationsMaterials selection for specific applications and/orsystemsTypical materials for produced water systems CorrosioncontrolBasisInitial Participants - WG8 and ISO/NP 21457 WG8ScopeObjective ISO/NP 21457Scope of workScheduleSome issues relatedto other ISO standardsISO Hierarchy Relevant for materialrequirementsHow should the ISO materials selection standardfunction?Functional Detailed Technical Requirements 2ff7e9595c

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