, v ft i , rIF YOU ARE A BUILDER..,.1 need money at enbev. w have alLrJf"v fllet'lrlkrt,i but havd:ffi"waiM!'wta. -iWOnJCBWinui.-DK, ranwmvamIARGETRUSTHJNDI 'ITO.'VA.Yfc.ff'wMKt -... . a sm ainnn as sin; Immeditte Inves!men;',,, LIONEL FRIEDMAN' V ui la. '1111 CM"-981 ft.r . .Hi at avaaa -sprue 8141.2-8Answers liven inM hours.APARTMENTSAT WAYNE, PENNA.,THELOUELLA APTS.:(i-nempHKRvicK,ON, LAND TITLEV ! BALL . BON' J-A0 TITLUITlb 'ier tA..krBlna aeartmehtColonistf , 9LJ iietei. Madia, Pa. Vsrr desirable.' TO Excellent location.immediate peisee.$35neh;MM., AM .At.tr.21 SOUTr. AVENUEMEDIA.. PA.PHONE MEDIA M2 AND 3 ROOM APTSSTRICTLY MODERN.i.p'i UWLERwifflWu&r.I PItONU LAN9D0WN8 880USED AUTOMOBILESMnnn,an1 our nlf flv chMl In A1srT.RWa. .We.wlll Put a new steel band of teeth(ta-lt and warantse It fer-tM Ufa itIB car. wuic.v. bkkviuu.Yeu can havs your fly whtalbeura"sXAer'ssuit w rvcriT101SPHINO OAnDKN BTHJDBTOPEN BCNDATSNEW'OR USEDDEMOUNTABLE RIMSFOB ANT CARat Reduced PrlctaSATTLER'SKOI BPRINO GARDEN ST.OPEN 8UNDATS' 1Neighborhood Listst tte will furnlah you 1'22 llala of aulomo aulemo aulomealia ennera from, any leqtlen of Pniladeleala. Name, addreaa and kind of car.NtmM alphabetical. Alie any county ortown In I'ennaylvanla..CENTRAL PRESS BUREAUWABABlt BL.DO., PITTSDURQU. PA.HWiniumMnijiMACK TRUCKSAll typea of bedlealivery.Immediate de-General Moter Truck Cerp.zirin a.u Aiunnis btb.BIG BARGAINIVpaxsenier hue body, coat 11200:la teod aa new: will be aetd for 1200,bXttLer'b.Open Sunday. 1001 Sprlnc Garden at.WE HAVE used truck of all alneeand makee; prlcea ranae from1100 and up. Either a phone or aptraenn) call will be te your ndvantace. International Hnr enter Ce,211 N. 22d at. Phene Hprure H5R1,AkIRRICAN 0. teurlnc; beautiful Jeb; orla erla', inal paint: new Urea; 1230 down, balanceIn 1 year. Sen Mr. Themas, 020 X. Uread, . i-iiununpninAPl'ItnseN touring, new tires and saint:,- rrechanli ally perf.; 1400: terms m ranged;nn evs Harper A Harper 804 N UreadBUICK readeter. model 844, excellent me'nanlcal condition, out of ralnt shop lastHJ, my lenuers: ijiu witn juntar topwithout. Apply M. q. Try, son8011andu-:l .' Dr ai namuien uarage, Bltn"amatHUICK SIX, medal 45 E; naval officer orderedI-,-. I, . .u?1 ""- ear in goea oenaition:Wimediately: Insured te lBaii J000 caah orcaihabl notesinquire u, n, a. Keller,"ry isra.5JI'La,c' 8-eHndsr. touring; new top.nf.i?rd.rl demonstration; llie. Estate ofPAN.RI, Blirir, tana n. 'ath at.CH,i'L;v.cj . COUPKj perfect running;urns if dee' red.BAneN'S. 640 N llread St."fjANDLEll. ceuPEThls is a beautifull.fi "i.Jfnnet be told from new. haa beenl'!',1"1 m ,0 flnd a bu)-er; will ghe lMR. TlltL fllB N Rrdnd at , PhllatUimNIifIBU chummy roadster, leeks andt ?' m? Ptw cari I2U0 and balance InnrY' . luXV Motorcar Ce., Inc., 010 N.B-fd.at .Philadelphia..?'BHN" touring Used very UtTie'tannet be told from new; $250 taJcts It.fteVa' !n J, yea 8M Mr- Th1' 818 N.. . iiuaunnnia.1921 COLE 8uburbn Dln; like new;tiariflr. .i.TT, wesungneuee air springs;"ArtOfj'a nread and Wallace.BurVk...v.BZl1 . Pa. sport ear; can begteffer. Term. ii..nn-g, (up H. Bread.real na.i.'. VSW"!' "cellent oenditlon:yi. 14estA,;7?i"wm "ranged, a-r. !?.?' and. coupes Thesa are almeatctMLsad Jf)i,ltrt.rl0 rtera; can be pur purl2t5el,h. J.00 "L0"1- " Motorcar Ce.,itrnr " Jh'"''elphla.saint. .LMM uwr. "" Jw tires; resainted .end overhauled i 4d. aaecial.jfflSMVthem ' "" meaeis waten ua rebii idM low ..iTnf.U!.tn,y " Jtuaranteed- prleestiffi"'! ."models; watch us rebuildjaSvs Hupmeblla A-rJ..,"a1"ni"T,i.a.alire""!""Mrf. rnndj vuirt .lra.arper Harper. 804 N. Iltead" 2E?n eveningsJXJF"! ! i mevfM' C0.nJ Per?., ileaiT paint, tlrta: terms arr.i openj"-iH iiarniir v iim.m.BQ4 Wi lirnaq.ttSffie1? !!LU hercih)yvtt?qJuicrbuv,.vv1'j,j'.ir,."'',aeverniiti.b Tr """."rr. "' win sacrcQuick buvjr: leek thla ever. See.M .. .MB, 1IRODYevEir.:rT.Y' " 'T " '""""'v.s-'.' iireaa at . Phllarlelphl f'iemV..tV.. ? "no eeyi B and T pass.,, tlf. iiiT'ra ?" V- rper A Har' -- " Hread mi. Qpen evenlhttyiyPACKARn 1 Paner. touring;rfi-gli-Marner A m,. n.i, yj ,,,,,,Attwinai mTAT, SliV "" S 1 almost new;.T'JJ' i b'eatftV w,i' "' W nulck buyeri?figlnai SI'tM. ?!. little 0: almost new;mtM, ma w. nreq (ii PhlaSsfi slSSpS". RBvEiiiu-.' ""'"? ""'" fwrMihT-iM 'd""."nlrJ, 5?w tl.r!!. rai Hn a,"'K'J. yr.,1 .Paaai Ilkalllf.r.1 HHrM-.iv n urniu.flatsUew: sportsport cari per''lOWft. llirniilir refuted iFttfllnn aaa. -Hread at.Vi .O-JW?.. .0,ri"I JnSr fw tai.rsa anaM'-MrtMBatti.n- .,.). j.it ua rrfla(HiMi("fan.v aj Af fi WHEN TEETH ON YOUR . I' 'I rt.Y wheel are broken ' I.1 DON'T BUY A NEW ONE . I.J at,r nuvntiMj r.f.tiTtMVII teUrlnV. ma. .....-erlgnai hVini, nZi;...Efc""enl conaiueiwIs u. K.'.J'.e.rt cash and balanna in i v,GOVERNMENT$500,000 ,T60LSfthd Hardware for Contractor's, Carpenter, Machinist,' Plumbers, Blacksmiths. and ElectriciansAT 4 REGULAR PRICE..i hShd?iiJ'' T(lc upiofssten and Atkins makes),, alt sixes. Alf sixes' carbonMath.. tlu.. drills, reamers, tapa, ate. All klnda of milling cutura, metat saws,KJlSi-!.- JKf' .,t0V A,,L "' " dies, for plpa and Iren. Aulomeblle Told.SSSRL' 'I,i"'' hatchets, axes, adts. picks, Jacks. All klnda of tool holders,X ! tan '.p.l",'!;,.wi',n,:h' ratchets, braaat ilrllla. matallle and atal tap lineste te loe t, Theuaanda of emtr Tepis, coma Early and Oat Tour Choice.30G Cherry St., Philadelphia, Pheno Market 2869trazn AtrreMOBiLnsBT.VR,AK.Kn -riafntar rendatcr,aufd for aterAaei II IT, irnlnff. unra. finn umm,aiarfr a?ga.' hw uT.rppfn SunOny nnd"TI5 W& Mwt" i cerd'tirasi tadeoeirn. naianM t vr.k HAROffl. 64" N. Bread at.fJHTYTVM ' rnnkaa' UulrkK.I.Jli. S.ni!( '0, Ferd. Studabakar. Over-laea. ate. told for atnrAcei come make offer.HOJ W(X)1? BT. 'i pn HundevaPRJVATR party wanta te buy ford road" read"4, , I tnim m in . feed condition, m.tt w , qui, jBcmnn m.Ta HlraTi.,,JUlE 1 dd 7-paa, touring JlmeuMna.Il.ne p hrunTgai,. iniT. Pari. 4ie.BUBINCTg OPPOltrUNITIESAyjHlCAK.MADR metal teya and noveltlaa;n mmebilpa and ether million aellara: HMrlrnteunneefaeary: caatln forma furnlahed formanufaciurlnjfi theuaanda mada da'lyi wai?l,0' all year: contract erUfra placed;?.'A1 fen ataria new: wa keep menu.HE!Sf, ,b'ir UIU Chriatmaas , hlaheatPf'c..Pald for uoeda: write only If meanP.u''n;i: Jrepctui and ratalea- ree. MetalCaat Preducta Ce. jlinn Homen rd.. N..Y.EXECUTIVE WANTEDReal ejtate broker dealre'a le hear from!renjiunsibie Pny who can alve hlH aerMcciand Inveat BO0l) fur najcaamv cxpanMtillturn praflt and aalary tu the rl-hl man.C SOI. I.KDOER erncE,' WHO WANTS RICHES?nave a patented 10-cent acltntinc toy, af-areutMl aeiler. every, child wants at delivered with complete Instruction and.aamalaht: experienced toy dealera aay the aateiPles of werk: erdera titled promptly, auwill be limited chiefly by the supply; I will grrler Hcmnlitchlnir Attachment Uu.i 009in yumr cane wiereemn tne puetneaa rer ivwvvv ivr immemiiie mnnuiaciura el iirivhumberat Inveatltatlen will convince the meatakeptirai, m 030, lilier Offire, ,nnnn . ., , .. . m ..b. ,Lumber and Ceal Businesstncludlne raal estate; nn opportunity teacquire a profitable and cetnt bualneas.with ,R. R aldln en Rexdlnt read atLansdnle. Pa. Apply H. ,A. Uarllne.,care of J. I,ce Patten, 401-Mnceln olds.,PhiiadcipniaCIUAR HTORE buatneas and property; onlyfnoeO cseh neded; about 11300 stock, fixture, iroedwlll, etc all Included In thla tinunual oppertunity: a real reaaun for selling:clearliiar about 170 weekly; re informationnhuiie: can peraennlly or wrlte If lntrxted te Clifferd K. Kurtz, In the LincolnHide.PARTY with 11000 who deHrea te beier.ltaaenrlateil with going prrfltablc manufacturing bualnene can secure aubstnntlnl Imor Imereat In corporation where aervlcca will gletued return from erdera new en boeks: adMTtiser dcelrr te sell because of ether l..-! ti'lncinul only, a Hlft. ledger Office.PHOTOGRAPHER, splendid opportunity teestabl'sh a department store ajnilers: wewill lease fourth fleer room. 20x00 feet Inour store; large skylight: elevator service;eniy.s nrst-eiaaa msn neea appiyi nnrnwiirequired. Apply te KUINE, EPPnllMER ACO.. Reading. Pa. r IWESTERN manufacturer aeeka distributor;exclusive aalea rights, large territery: nationally advertised Key-Klip; price 25c te$100; no experiment: will revolutienise system of carrying keyaf a nemlcul amount ofmerchandise, dealer and jobber accounts requlrlng some capital, M 010. Tedgar Office..STOCK and. fixtures of clear, candy and no ne notlen store i vicinity of Frent and Allegheny"' HARRY E. THOMPSON2BJI1 rRANKFOlin AVE.TIRES and auto ecceMery Mere, showing- net profit ever IBone per year for last avar! tilvnM lrtrntlnn In faat-vrnurlnir. seO-tlen of Camden. N. J.i (iioeo raah required:ease will be given. M Qlt. ledger Office..AVlf.L JOIN or help te establish bend.Klntearlty, ability and aeme means can tecombined, and contributed proportionatelyen ATlfty-ntty basla:full purtluulara for firstinterview, c M4. Ledger Office,' .OPPORTUNITY la offered-te young man ofresponsibility te secure fur $1800 half Interest In sound, established business whereresults are obtained weekly: our reply mustIndicate serious Intention and give nn IdeaOf your Integrity; Christian pfd. C 833 li O,CK CREAM and milk plant, med.. In thriving section of Phlla., property consists ofH ruems and bath, store and shop, ip-te-dattmiuhlnery; for full tmrtlrulara consult DuffyTlnni-v, 31st and Panvunk. Oregon 438 iUNUSUAL opportunity for msn who haaabout IA00O te invest and obtain controllinginterest In manufacturing concern establishedJl year. U 818. Ledger OfficeCAPITAL If you want te atari In businessor have an established concern and needcapital, writ Kelster Brandt company,Dlilsbura. Pa.reR BALE Country slere; general merphandlte: poateffloe In store; write for full In-formation. A. O. Rowland. Rowland. Pa.FOR SALE Valuable patent for sale. Ferparticulars address J, L. MoWherter. La-fayette, OaTWO practleil men who understand manufacture of dreaa and millinery trim's wouldlike te meat financier. C 831, ledger Office.EXECUTIVE will Invest I3O00 and aervlr-n an814,in preflltable bus.; refs, CLed. Off.STORAGE AND MOVINGMOTOR VAN SERVICETO ANT DISTANT POINTWeekly service for small shipmentsbetween Philadelphia and WashingtonThe Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc.BTin ana Msraet sis, uanng izpiVICTORY STORAGEBelment 48T8 fatin ana cratiaaainT.aiaaf.nratAr .u.StorageM--.fc.fha. WmiIh- faritd r(1.Ahugaiwsiavfey-t.-.iii. -mv.B. v.i.t i ninar.WALLACE e.aCH'cilLA.OTN.BtTILUrNO MATBIUALALL MATERIALS for sale en demolition Jeb;brick. Joists, windows, doers and plumbing. CM at 18th te 10th at., en Vine at.Borrentirro t Ce,CARPET CLBANINOHAVE your rugs and narpets shampooed,scoured purlllfM het merelv denned Ph.Tiega 4892. The Orlg. IlamUtor.-ReaehKlee Carpet and Ruk Washing Ce. u, H,TAYLOR, auccesaer. 8337-20 N. Hmtdley atWA1 1 ACF 18:' N- 30TH 'WrlLUtV-L 2n3 cHUIICU LANE. QTN.RADIO HALFSTORAGE, moving and expreaa. ready at alltimes: special ryes te eoashere pelnla;reg. Bait.. Wash.. H'bur..N, T. and DeatenInsurance Wafon. 040 N lTth. Pep 0884,IStO ITLBCRT. Pheneestimates. Moter vans. acaiThe lehn Kheads te.A(4!!-OMe ofeur s-TOOrJO EPJ150MS MAKING "gjAM EPeRlMEf4T J ' MT . jJPwM&- MJMhSSURTLUS -STOCK ftfl. W. cer. IJlh ami Sprlrt Ourden ate..'"', j'nuaiiipnia ( v. Offlta pNir'ntlur', f ,Klat and RolLtep Detaa, TnMr-a. Chalfa.navelf na Cfialra. Flllnc Cnblnata, Uffra1'urtliten. etc ' . . . ,,AH alj greatly reduced' .prlceaCalf or writJ-CENTRAL iHeuse Wrecking Ce' 1202-06 Spring Garden StreetWK HUY ANU"HRtif. , . tR,illdlns Mitterlnl, , Plumblna rixfrta,Tumber, UAera nnd 8aaMUfnce ruinltura rlwrc Mxtur? 'TYPEWRITCRS RENTED- ,VtBIRLK S MOB.. 18.60 AS'D UPFactory Rebuilt Typflwrlten"S Our New Machtae,the Century" iAmerican Writing Machine Ce.at Art m4tnetMHjmft klM ranrt mimtiMiTtf nrr.Wa(nut 8BIwujwDKflKB Se flat-top and typewrliarV deekaUfil hv thai Uhltinlnk llnarri at He tllltndlrhalr In mtrh, tl klnda nt efflce tables.te match: at k ndanuepen mih metal leckera. la, Inraeandamfill fireproof aafaa. aeveral' telephoneboethe and ether cemplata office equipmentof every descriptien: reflnlahed aa geed asnew and delivered aaywhere without eatraelm reel all prlrad low.lfUOIIKH,7llTH ANb rtUTTONWOODHEMHTITCJUNa and plctrlln attachmentSuperior device: nts any aewina: machine;tiincnra nrmiyi aaany aajuataa: price es vu.", ,i.. . erpu nriau. irx.BEFVjRK JUNE IB, 8-pfec brown mahoganyllvlntr-roem suit, , uphelatered In velour;alr,e 1 4-pest mahogany bed and springs; allpractically new: reasonable; leaving city; nodealera Phene Oak lane lOOS Js 071 N.Carlisle e, ;snetrai wwitfsLarge let of dfstta. aafaa. flies, abtntta MuratOCOBTOB 4Ut,ICE neXES. cash registers, scaies. ehew.,-casea and store flxtures. In flrat-class con-dltlennrai-ciass conApply BID a,lur euiniiinng stores..'.I stJREFJUOERATORfi, meat grinders, aeales,caah reglatera for grocery, meat and etherat ires; large stneka of above goedi, new and2d hand, the Howe Bcale Ce . Arch at.REFRIGERATORS ASi fffij-c'R T. Randtll a Ce.. alt N. 2d St.DIAMOND IlINO, aelltalre. ever 4 carat.blue white etnne, slightly ImperrViCt. willsac. 8030. cost 813001 prlv. P 832. Led. Off,PICTURES, 4 large handsome picturesbeautifully framed: 1 oil painting. Overbrook 2118 -W.BOX COUCH with cedar box. practically new.also black leather flreJlae (.hair and ieak'stralght-back chairs. Overbroek 21 1H WFACTORY chairs anditecls, new and used.C cer, 8th and Vine,(..nair Excnange. 8.rANS D. C. electric fans. 13 and 10 Incn,oeo nrner is ana i". het Arrn atCONTENTS beautifully furnished home -OiBSpring Qarden si., te be aeld en premises.MACHINERY AND TOOLS. WHEN YOU NEEDELECTRIC .MOTORS,- DYNAMOSMOTOR GENERATOR SETSor kindred equipment, tall us your requirements; ws will rurnlsh the right equipment' u" 'vl? 0f1arl PI'f nd rememberch mschlr la backed by an l-nn-cladguarantee, which assures you satisfaction.'R. SCHEINERT COMPANY v123 NORTH THIRD STREETMachinery BargainsBeiler, cheap. 2 130 H. P., before removal!KSVVog'reVTW.e.loc.e-FVriTOr ?.nkE. 6SeE.rnd SiV ' '"""'MOTORS AND DYNAMOS ALL BIZESGee. Sachsenmaier & Ce.Office. 926 North Third St.. WARKHOURH AND BHOPagg-ae-aa north n hird street ,EN'OlNE AND OENERATORFOR SALEHewea A Phllllpa 200 IX. P. Corliss steamengine (11x1.0). IflO R. P. M. steam eeparafe?and throttle valve direct connected te K. W.Ayeatlngheuse generator. 220 D. C. veltVSh'SB!'-, ?8 paeA " awltchbeardS'bewht rlgh"' W,'Che ,0 ThU cn. 7'H. A W." COMPANY,08-71 Clinten at.. Newark, N. J.ELECTRIC MOTORSELECTRICAL REPAIR' WORKANDREW I. MEHAN CO.'309 RACE ST.PPIONTB MAlaKET $118COMPRERBION COUPLINOH. PULLEYS.. HANOERfl SHAFTINO nELTINt..HAT,FPRICE. MOTOR EXCHANOri. 827 ' gffTANKS, wrought Iren and ateel. ruund andi. wWKldman. Ilk Walnut at.will saerlflce. c. QeliNKW and 2d-hand machinerv hnn.k, ...'exe.j planta dismantled. Orew. laoe'Nrad'iDOGS AND BIRDS00.000 BAHY ClUCKB at reduced prices)mixed, chicks. 8c each: Brown. Slack.White Leghorns. 0c- Barred Mecks, lie:terms cash: nfe delivery auured. uCeeley, Dept. 43. lTenchtewn. N. J,OLD GOLDOLD geld, silver, platinum, plated war. e4. .r.... m,. ... vi.ir, r-iippr niiT emartsera.CASH paid for 'old geld, silver and antiqueit Anita llnvara lPl B ITeu -n-H.W..W! -( . l,f Pi,WANTEDOlrl Sli U overcoats, hats, shoes, stc.iWW OU1IS we iy mere: call anywhereany time, city, country. M'rlte. call ofPhene Ore. 81B8. Friedman Bre.,1444 Seuth st'EIRE. INSURANCESPECIAL attention and aervlte glen te nt)Insurance en hemei -nd furniture. Cllf.ford IJ. Kurtr. Lincoln Bldg.v-.,.1 .,. r . 1. ... . .rLa ' ta tFfiP'xT'J jrfc A . rt Wsfsf- MAKI LUAN dULUVI IN. t. COR. 11TII NfASfci.-""'714 DKIVCKLA tlU.I.IIimJA new corporation' erganlsedliy P"llc-splrlted business men, of Phlla-,Hmall Lean uutlne... i,' MR. A. V. HART . ,formerly located at 130 Chestnutthe' Beclety and reapectfully aelTt... . lk.iiH t0 Mak - -- -citsn.it fistrrinaae.BKt.t. PHOMt.WALNUT 4tU:PR1VATB LOANB TO IIOUiEKsflpMTHE BEST PLCEr,; TO GET $J5 TO $300CALJrr1PSfg fRTnSEtURTTY LOeAN C0III4 CHESTTSUTST:'.2d fleer. Roem 20 Next' la ItMWt, ThaateeMONEY TO LOANLOW AS 2'ON DIAMONDS.-BTiMDS.-BTOCKBAJND BONDS1MONEfvTO " LOANlt00 te IUW.0JJ esl-.eeeunta receivable, netcg. ISSStneeia eirPEB80NAIWE PAID A WOMAN$88 30 for a let of jewelry aha hadMveenoffered 110 for elsewhere! bring your diamond and Jewelry te ue: we W'rMfle ufull honest cash value: eetabllahed 1808THOH R LEE A CO. 7I Walnut at.DIAMONDS BOUGHTAND PAWN TTCKBTrl FOR DIAafONDtwsai .r.v a. nn . aaej ntisatnut e.sjlte a-22. aeeend flear. ear Child' Heat,IRVINO Edith desperate. Can de nothingwith her. She cells for you. All of usanswer. New position assured en your return. Let ua knew where wt can reachyou MARY.NOTICE te the whelesale ahpa liousesNetresponsible for pny merchandise unletscontracted by myself. S. Merman. 2000 E.jieyamensing aye,ELECTRIFYyour 7-roein house, complete..with nrt-clasi fixturesii nri-:iHB iixiurDB, .iui ".,., v....170,P2H r. Tlegq'ttf Frnnxter'i "YOU can rent un Oliver typewriter 8 monthster t: perrect macninee, eiive iypewriierCe . Walnut A 10th. Wal. 0101. .lain 0980.MARBLE CLEANERSMARULE A broivmtena clean., atep getters.point. A brick-front, reney.:. apee. ratesr'hcastlng. Watsen, 849 N. X7tn. pep.0384.REAL ESTATE FOB SALECITY10111823 RACK C-n(r.l. 18140 te street." 14U0 N. 18th. apts., elec. light, 6 baths.3117 hprlne Mardcn, side yard.3iin Hprirg Harden, solid brownstone.14nlVlne st . 18x08 feet.tOIHOreen. 10 rooms. 2 baths 18x181.001 and (MB N. 13th. corner apartments.Cor. 10th nnd l'nrrltn. 80x80. business prep.1M0-1J Stiles, a-street gnrage.8ae Wallace. 12 roerrs, 2. baths.auu in ii2(i, 13 retm. i! uttnr. rerner.HibberdB. Worrell & Ce.853N. 17SITES or varieua sixes ter sale pn or nearRace and Vine sis. and en ether streeta af-ri.i v.v it,, n, au... t.i.... ........ ..--" - , " , '-', " Mint uiflNja anuthe Seaqut-Cenlennial Expoaltlen; raspenalbiebusiness .houses represented confidentially lathe purchase of tuoh.nrepsrtlca..SB IN. 1STK HT,ARTHUR B0SWELLnWiSXMFB R?,VA.T- 29$.i&&JES:RFSTAJ. CphLETieNS BOLICIT1BD: WE"QO ANYWllBRQ FOR KUSINESHi IF IT'SA HOME.. IIUBTNESS PROPERTY OR IN-tfgiVJPiSJlP AN LOCATE YOU.HAMILTON CO.. 1807 Arch St.ROOb'eVELT BOULEVARD, east of Bears-Roebuck; 4718 sample house open; 10Soema, 2 bathe. 80-ft. lnwn! let 24x330, onlymere left at a great aacrlflce: $30u belowsseesed value: don't fall te leek thl ever:It win pay yeu: the biggest bargain yeilwill ever get: act efulckly. ; 4$37,000 Part maV remain eh merufaca,36x100Vina at. In central business sectionARTHUR HOSWICLL. 288 N. 18lh M.052 FAIKMOUNT AVE. Valuable curlierrunning through te North s.HAMILTON CO.. 1807 Arch St.'1926 S.ANS0M ST.and rear 1027 Mermlah st.Ippertuntty te buy let atreet te sL A. TAULANE. 910 Welnut St.734-AU-58-00-.-04tOO)8-70-72 Ni TAYLORST. ,HAMILTON CO., 1807 Arch St.1,lTi,.AneVK Suanuehannt Large dwelling;$6300 dear; early possession.ARTHUR B0SWELL "!;x'Vi iFA,HSiPUNT AVE. Running throughand Including house en Olhe at.HAMILTON CO.. 1807 Arch St.6347 N. 13TH 8T.--letached heme: let BOX', JJ 4 J. mode rn In every respect: 2-car garage;117,800. Phene Oak In. 0000 J1 110 WALLACE ST.onn.y10me'i.1TTlulanlrV8'wn'u0-'3-2B BUMMER dr. Will sell separately.HAMILTON CO.. 1807 Arch St,,vfilihf.R,R.,AYB.-.l0 ."" x. " "L2,i Du,ch hall; Immediate pessciiluntc4irvJ.,Ji,?yae' d'lernoen. . ""'""flOOA 8EAI.1V CO . 17th and le-L1810 CATHARINE STRRFTThPeeatery brick dwelling; geed Investment.A. F. RUSSELL. lBth and Tasker ate.iZr '" iiussessien iwo-stery dwellx.'I?:0 I.em" "" b"lh. Sebert near 24th:ISKHi" !?"0J "ma.H "mount of eaah reiVrJr nAIK PeaeK.n Twe-story dwelf34thh reBldgJsspn reinman, 209 Lincoln niriar:BR..a.2.!,,,.a0u,.?rd.T:? PP?'l'"i rntp'rM,I.V.W W "' 'era'sieVsmen".pr.. $BB0Q. Jas Feidmsn. 201) Lincoln Rldg.K t'l? IHSUI .M.1 aim . I :weal Etate Trut nidg. Filbert 524n.1223'My-. . ALLEGHENY. AVK Bernl-del..)ta- ilii nrVA""',? V?lV' me5-: excellenti"Q . IIB.OOQ Kd M nratiam. Hpruce 7B42(1A teltm mjm . . --MnriM.f, "u8u, let nexinu; cerner: near 2d' " llllfa't." W,llls Winchester Ce..a?.0'T-'i24-'a8-a8 I) ST. l'oreh: n ren.,VvM C. HBYDK, 13th and Snyder ave.,,?8?h"i1?,iC-SfrlBn:,! '"l". Perch. $8000. toAeVty3A2HNelf,'ro.eotC.V8000ft .!.'A.Mc,.n.T-su room" blbHUTZBL. 2th and Somerset sts.Mp .7!?,rJt!,r,lwl.,,rry Mansion, near the-PSirk m.u."i ,be .elni make eltar. Early AReehler. 2887 W. Lehigh axe. Cel. 481B'80.iKLK' .N' JUDSON-e rme . bath. ga7.Jamee M. Moere. Somerset and Benaall sts,lr HOUBE8 3700 block Darlen at.; 0 rmaand bath: will finance; $2800 each. 1LIfepperllng, 030 W. Semersst st.WE HAVO severnl 0-room and bath houses"'price :iu00 t,i $41101). " ""'TIOOA REALTY CO. 17th nnd Rrl. ...U- N. C1RAT. ar. .1 sty., jmall amountcash req. A. !'. Jlrent 310 Lincoln lilUg.3011 HLK. N. 8TII ST. Perch, t rrn.,'tmk" .'l!.n",. ""4 Perfect cend. pes.ir,230. MALLON. 2H41 N. 8th at.J704-i2 N. PARK AVK, tfarg'aln: 'wellN aStT'st' """ mount c'n' PP'V 244.1ii- ''R AVE'. Three' etdry, 11 rooms,bath, all, modern Improvements. Apply ortpremises, ,m 4.. L-M. Itread L properties. 1312-14N. llrnsrt! fte-'Onii ..C. Ueldman, 73S1;. unur f.'hi if iA.y,'I'La,,T3NT. AVE 7 rm. andfrn.?"' i?.uT,.rJ'1. ectrlc, steam heal, perch'I!!HL-jHf'il?y.,-l18.ti Cumbfland st.301 '!, NEVADA ST. 7r.". i'st'ftM rendIngdon W ' nnncf' R"r.2338 W,IIunt2lri!.?if,.Ky.C''K MT'-T" eltle"estate: 4 steryin TSii!is .VI1"1"". action. Heward B, Wllson. 3133 Oermnniewn tt. '8003 N, HTTl7LMAN ST. Ml room, tierch.Dutch hall; $4000. rrkk, Judsen and Indl-nna ae"l'mtrJ JJniM.ON T. Beautiful little home!svEffc yt HJd9rn . Imprevement: posaeitlen.Fj-lck, .Tminen and Indiana are."iK.'!,Y'..brewn,,t,).n"' 'rooms nnd bath,nmZ?. Aove,.Xer.k.i rrasenahl t-rm er-rn-snctl'Jeseph Feldman. 208 Llli.eln Illdif.VZ.ii.yzK Vs 1!iTI1 ST. Let aexir.u; 14rooms; fine leg, Olenn. K.I7 Cnlumblr. Ave."L1?!.1.7.1 , 174f DIAMOND aT.'-rFlne prop prep.nf ! " "lenn. 1317CelumblafwaV S,-m1 .. .T7..r.i.r,nl "l Prlc" 2n,vrlll sac. Balfr-V Y'W.'.lMtTnBeii:252(1 K. ALLKQHRNT .vu ii,. i75Telec I.afferty lirea . r and Althmv v"C,imT"iAi' 2',.""'r,1f." ml np.irtmnt house.bujldlrig site. Ileusney nye Walnut at!r -- y-----.-(n i- A -. "u''l ruemsj ricetrie. m. C. Heyde. 13th nnd Snyder gve,''MLANT-Slx room. Inrtt nnreh- ,...Ifll I M-I- M.1nmtt U .. ...nTBOpr. 0348. between 4 and B P. M.S3ln Nr'.nViiHH'f0t'K 5?T- ArP"' " "nen premier between fl and 8 o'clock.AM.,IOiiSiiu SPl! -2i,i "" a"'n: ressen--.....:. ..luiiinn, avu Lincoln magn.iif, -- .-. . .Meineur. H02 Penn fla Bidsbaths, elee.Bpr. 4287.i. inn nr. fjBOO block) 8 story. $5300Seymour. 1102 Penn Se. Rldg. SnjJar90," "rOUi-FnM.nrl'J ft OIMra "' rent'leH;pr,, $..300, Ju. Feldman, 3U0 Llnbein Bldg.llnlldngIejs. Factory ,Se.. TAt10T1I AND PHUKRAI Let 7(lx()HrBOeTitmrtitBnriiR or tnnnufacturlng iiurpjacs nrlcereneenahle DKISHKTt. ?'l '."" 'ft si. "r.BUILDINO H1TV. fln.. !., , ..rf.lr.hl.. e. "--."-".I- "v".,"'-. ''''CAV'ifriiTv ?.,, "yrT""- JUH.N B. MCi.Atri-KTY. .,731 Oermantewn w, ,S12'HSl.r,".,0d' nna. and Rending: $2u0par acre A ur. DIlOTElllcif. at w.in.STFacterle. Warehenae. Iannfnetnrln"Flaa-OUT OF TOWN-BO.OOO sqt .; l-.ty. bC".en. p"n ,?,ndi lrvlng crania up te 10ten: P. n. R, ; price 'i of value' aT.1iia.condlllen: also 2d. 000 Je. ft.?l-sty btdgsIn3 about 1 acre; IrawlliU Vrarwr P. K'tfAr..R,! price ery Interesting: A-l condl cendl condltlen: can finance Dleterlch. 787 Walnut "at8iMNSliNT.n.A,la1.?:V,i0aelmm,dlt Y'iJxi J. ,r"r'Mde! 24.000 square feet, S?Sflar- Si.rl'ViWHnl; mV" naet: cencreti,cellar, elec. lighting and power, ateam heat-,.. fk7Jn0iS?X,nMZ "y,emi "mmedlJt.poss. SIMON WEIL. Owner, 1141 N. 2d at"SUITABLE light manufacturing. 10.1100i?n"iJfeMfeV,.J0Ur.. ?.or" "nu basement;lse let 33x1)3 3d nnd Drewn sts..-i..i. vr-ii,. unner. 1141 N. 2dFACTOR IIC3, warehouses, garages for sale.ntiXZ'St,"0,"'.'. af.fl" for rent, c" D.'-w. ....... u. ww.. t-ai -ne(nmFACTORIES, warehuuaea fleer space ceivsuit Albert Hall. Land ITItleHldg Bpr. 2J?fFACTORIES, warehouses, rallreadai essnnanee. DIETERICH. 787 Walnut at.Sltare anal TawelllMataN. E COR Llth and Paisyunk ate,store"'"' rnimi; loeq Condition,M. C. IIEYDI-r.. 1 1.th and Snyder v.34 PINE ST 8'CTS A'gft sy-as&HATEMA. WEMT PH1LaDKLPHIAllp.BOO THREE-STORY RESIDENCE. Ilv-" ""II, 2 batha, steam heat, electricity:owner leaving city; refined residential nelgh nelgh nelghPo'heod. qenvenlent: quick posseaaleh.4(120 CEDAR AVE. Three-story seml-de-i".ch?'1.'esldence. especially dealrable forPhysician or dentlat. office and waiting room;het-water heat, .-leetrlclty, 2 baths; ownerl-i.vl?...'.lt5'' hermen Andersen, dothand Baltimore ave. Woodland B100."JO WEST CHESTER PIKE One fare'e ,rem ou,, street terminal; new 7, 8 andu room modern detached homes; some withEfi"."e: Price, $0,100 and up; also 300 choicebuilding sites, with Imprevement: Price,IK0- P'C,'0""'"". restrictions! high elevalinn - Di.i RYAN, office at station. Kirklyn. or BBld Market.ONLY B UNSOLD $14 less than rent paysfixed charge and mortgage installmentarter email cash payment! flne perch-fronthouses. 7 roems: psage ae.. BSd te B4tntil.00,n,0.?In "nu Market: open dally; $4400.14800, $31)00,Abermkthy. lats chestnut st! ''aai8 PINE ST.. 10 rms., elee. it.: 888005828 Willows ave, 11 rma. : med'n; $8600.1432 S. 68U st.; side yard. ndw. Mrs.; $0000These houses are In geed locations andthe prlcea moderate. We will finance themfor any aatlsfactery purchaser.C. PEMBERTON. Jr., 813 Harrison Bldg.6412 WILLOWS AVE. Twe-story bTiekiheated: Inclesed perch; garage: bet-waterheat, electric light, tiled bath, built-inshower bath; leek at this before you buy.PAUL II. blULL, 301 Merris Bldg. Spruce1021..718 SPRINGFIELD AVE. Three-storysemi-detached brick rcaldence. let .'iOxlls:electric lights, hardwood rluurs, large looms;excellent surroundings. Je. Allen Potts,4HU1 Baltimore aveNINE ROOMS, main street, living hall, h.-w.heat, electric; flrst-clnss conditien: Inc.screen shade and awnlnga: $7000WEST PHILA. REAL ESTATE CO.51)00 Baltimore ave.PRICES am advancing for new homes, butI have three left that I will sell at the oldprice, containing garage and every modernimprevement: sample, 5032 Warrington ave.JAMES C ENBURQ. builder. '4044 BARING ST. Three story. 10 rms.. 3baths, elec light; first-class cend,. perch;near elevated station; poss 30 days: verydesirable; priced reduced. McClure A Ce.,18 8. 40th st.SINOLE en large let. 4 bedrooms, tile bath,u,.ll ..I wmic, lllvtunru ,,u,t,,, ftv.i'uv,WALTER A. McCLATCHY, 70th and Mar-wet. Lansuewne 20ut. upen evenings anaSundays.0700 BLOCK Willows ave,. 7 rooms, modern throughout; extras. Remember "Cress"atanda for all that's geed real estate, 3t)thand Larchwood nve4bTH BT. Lwlew Chestnut Two-atery modern brick dwelling; electrte lights, hot hetwater heat, hardwood fleer; rxcellent ce.i-uiyinn. je. Allen I'etl -luue iiumniers ave.S4S0 WILLOWS AVE Six room, bath;garge; het-water heat, hardwood fleer,electrte light. SAMUEL T. HALL. 17thand Sanson, sts.1418 WHITBY AVIs. Bix rooms and Patn.t, perch, electricity, het-water heat. gas.lichen. laundry in basement; excellent eon een eonllleni possession Phene Walnut 2888.VICINITY of 40th and Locust. 13 roomsana bath; electric ana nnt-water neatirue, room for 7 cars: adjoining lsrge let,10X115. APPly 8640 Pine Sherwood 1818.BBO0 BLOCK WHITBY AVE Modern, h w.floera throughout, tm poss : price reasonable. O. P. Mellen t Ce . 80 S 4Hth st.$5000 ";ht.. elec . h.w floers: bsar-ment laiuidry. 3 hedrnnm, v, pi.lent condition Owner. 5537 OSAOK AVE.APARTMENT or hotel site. 43d und Cheat-nut Twe rpnnta. mnnalnn nnd k unraea.let 123x3141 cheap Farrell. 710 S 20th stLAST ONE .1421 Malcolm St. Thoroughlymodern- I480U uena tu compare at tluxpries Hncckle 723 B .12dNO GINGERBREAD, but a. modern, wellbuilt corner home, sarare. nrettle.t. nulet.t aectlen W. Phlla , $8500 O 828. L. O.4027 .CHESTNUT 3 story. 18 nna., 8 bath;aultabln fur net heuae. arnn.1 lnv.itm.nvm'-ca .ii. jsir? e cicjy, ijiw chcatnut.w. -- . -.-. .:.-: .....' .T.T7.- .--', -..-,l, ,027 N. 57TII Twe story, perch. 4 bedrooms.eieciriu: excellent conaitien. Lewis 1 nhrn '2d 17th snd Haliibrldge sts.D.-ll AMI UE I.ANUllX S K COr.l Stdg $20,000. Richard P. Powell,S, B'Jd st.AM-M!! THAT'S TH6 WAY, YOUrK. mmJVLi .'iiiiiiiira, inn Hrryaer ave.1 "ii,,L,-'NaJON-8sTyTATc-endTault'. apta . i,e., nafferty, 28a w. Himtidnn.84H.1,.w'.OA,DA,'E re'ch. 7r.: a bargain:rnnrtV.1'.""-:! ."'" I enlr $4830: geedcondition; suitable for apts. lg. 28f. J"heu.."'!0 J'AR'i AVE- n-i"! P1 P1heui mak offer. Taulane. 018 Walnut....I n.OME STEP AT A TIME -AMD SOMEIMY-Yeyu REjgcrt tIme top or trieTU tjpjTf I LAVVCKV,ml imkWWaJ9L."V c? H n .-Jr-rA- . I- - Pa aTaBeC w -t3rJsBr -. - sac .' i. 1177, V- I -IASsxaxaxSam 3 Ml I II I atl 1 IV f unii ar taaaHB-sBBMWT ir'-AUTT. sVe- IMffl I . . aM L I. XrmSOA M . VV1 ' WU rirl-- -ajBjMjMjMjMjMjMjMjF-C! 'V1 v r ' r ' i., T bms. sBxW Y - - fR-ayC LZ ' I. WU4 l W1 -j m2nZWhs pyftJj1 Jrn Br AI rMf PAiamCfAyl I JiBaV.L '.jverrri Hb",' f-Friv J r w4 - 'm!mlS:diifm2Yb 'jxvw...v.a.ff1amMfsBMrvir.-v BSMIWil III -.--,,-- y. Alf,- rr? .j . vis . iri I . ,r,i. ;. j vvy ye-A.T4&."i . ! sr :-.a eviar-c a isB.SB9Brav.-TU "! r, . i j i . v t, . . . ' - "--TaBBrBaasBsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBi .BBBBaaaaaaairBS.a.aaS rii-v7 m-ar. eHhAWrtW rAT.T.wflr ffliTactfit1-!2r'KWK ILVV13 ."ve ' "t P "3-'tl ", "?fir list. EMPIRE TRUOT CO.. 44tli and,Lancaster LiiBOSnB. ALDAN ST. Eight room. ."oe7l condition." Lltmv rtlat fjOM.4ieif.WILLIAM A DORMAN. 42J H. A2H 81f.008 cHJESTNirr Bide yard: ""?. c 3 VPii 500 J!. f.,i.T.l Frte A .Sae. B4'.0 Market..MfrrilENX "preperile. rV, Phlla. I llltlac.ahrX"VbVtUrna.Hel'nhrt.l3a4Cj..eM-ONLY $3800 Cerner house. Dutch hall. 7' roernel- Toeard Fries A Hen,fl420 .Market.4eth st,, h.. laae-rTw 8y, " r'n's:i.enL62TwlLr UT Flra rtjema nnd tath; openiill day. t- reidmarr A Ben. lmbArd .Q'lSfl.AIUUERX, . main -ru "", ". , a.V jfi..ia.Ve..f,.hl.i vacant fipvW B4JO MAtk"!0184 (HHWfiArT. a atv.. S rma J mA F. Brown, HI O Lincoln Hid. Hirr. 73llnni'SV main 't, net.. O rooms. . Dm,med.73151.ka-jaMA,. ahaI tlieelllnaaNEAR 48th A Westminster CJnr. stdret Jr.,.1 . white plumb, Paol. 3248 N.-2thtOKMANTOWNOTM Wane Junetlm, 4343 N 20th at. Inewly reneratedt n ten'. nercn frbnt. 11reiVmai electrieV Duten hall.. parnutr fleer.all "nprevemenia; t6aet? -r termsnacan .'"i ,nm4B,i. Ureen at, Wyemlmr 8Q7J,' ttwMiritiitri in rtrtfYi 1 IDA flthhardwtwd, floera, 'eleotrlejaooir condition.owner leaving cltyt lmmedlte pea... 0188Morten at., oermantewn, price $0300 or-mantewn 4024 J.53(17 WINOOIIOCKI.SO TERRACE Semi-detached: all cenvenience: polen: canbe lamlned r ,, .,. .,HDWAHU Jl .MW.m. I "v. artreene and Tulpeheckn at : beat. Tt.M mnA TiiIninAPK'uj.i.--uw -... -.-'".;." -i.-, .. withaniifln in utii.; tavit ai'tMe ... ;-home witnLincoln nidg.garages. Dreby ft Kans. niu.OLXKYrrndtrel"yA'mCRNKTHY. 132 Chtnut at260 W. FISHERS AVE.aim be seen te t- nnnreciated..'.... u.mllltt. u r llArrh n rmaand"bath: strictly modern; "larae terrace and 1ttsiwvi& p:i:a for ,""ek ra- MALLO- iOAK IANF.BEAUTIFUL home, only a few. hours fromHread at.: 2t story. ') rm . 2 bath. Ine.pen., h.-w. ht., elec: med. In every respect;owner I'vlncr city. Themas. 2317 W. I-ehlgh,SEND for our list of suburban propertiesLannnn L llellly, 0031) Yerk read. OakLane ldl'8, .I.OOAN4500,BI)CK N. 10TH ST. (near Boulevard)Four bcxlroems. hardnoed floors throughout, beautiful bathroem: nt n bargain prle).vacant: Immediate possession Wm..lWlman. 4nnn N Bread. Wyoming 4004.TIOOAEH1IJ AVK. est of l'lth st 9 re-Jm, perch,h.-w. heat, elec, h,-i. floera, etc.IS. A, IIOHSON. 1H21 N. Uread St.1500 HIAICK W. Ontario 3-sty . pch.. tir.A b., elec , $7000. Lewis Estate, 15th andTiegaFRHFORDtlUNOALOWS with garage: 7-rooms flrst flr.jlatest Improvements. iVFV. Fkd. 0323,W1SHINOMINO .FOR real est. In Tacony A Wlsslnemlng, seeWilliam A Williams 0113 Torresdale ave.MOUNT AIRY7015BOYERST.Desirable modern home; cerner: room forgarage; worth $1.1 quo, will sacrifice for lmmediate ale nt 13 OOP Owner, en premlee.Building lataPKNFIELD Four beautiful Ieta; 28x149;Manea read; tin locatien: near sts.; 3 mln.from dlith Ht, Term. Ph. Belmont 829J.PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBANBEING A WIDOW. 1 am forced te sell afully equipped 33-ecre farm In. MontgomeryCounty. 2H miles from Pottatewn: 7-roomhcuse, bstilt barn, 2 wagon heuaee, corncrib 3 hen houses, 8 acres wheat, let ofcorn, eats and all kinds of vegetable, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, about 130fruit trees, let of grapes. Will give withfarm 2 horses, cow, 373 chickens, large hog,30 turkeys. 34 duck, gasoline engine, threshing machine, all machinery. Everything fur$4000: only $1200 down. Will meet trains atPottstown by appointment. Immediate possession. Apply te owner.AMANDA RICK.Reute B. Pottatewn. Pa.20 ACRES, mate Read near Norrlstewn;small Colonial stone dwelling with hot hetwater heat, bath; farm barn; spring waterte buildings: tine meadow with stream: apicturesque property with bu'ldlnns settingen elevation back from read.BROWN & CLOUDSucceeded byCLAYTON I BROWN41 K MAIN ST , NORRI8TOWNPAMEADOW LANE FARM, where A rehiresgrew. a n delightful country place, withhady lawns and big screened sleeping perch,near a babbitrc broek: It haa city conveniences with the coolness and quiet of mostattractive ceuntry: an unusual place for thesrtlstle temperament or for children: . ageed farmer run th farm, which carrieItself and supplies all the fresh product,this place can be bought for a little everhalf of Its cost. Fhone Norrlstewn 300euti duvvn win buy 38-ncre farm In Ment.gemcry County.only 2 mllee from PettH.town and Cheatnut Hill trells:burn and outbuildings; plenty of fruit; Springfend stream; 10 acre timber and pature;mi ireuey; geed bank;, ',"lvl "' uricB eiiuu write or call forlist describing thla and many ethers.. ROBERT W. EVANSN Hanover at.. Pottatewn. PaMet?AaSKALJT,rtJ,l CORNER IN KYJXCHASL -1.1-room heuae. 4-car garage en2 aero of ground; 3 minutes from train ori"Hley! Pflce for quick sale. $18,000. P 823.-.. ...COLONIAL dwelling, built 1812: near river:.Kli.r0,0.",' w.at'r: leetrlclty:. perches: old"..6, wci nurriidiiilin.il.All tm Lit I". TOWNSENDLsnghnrne, T'a.ROSLYN PARK Near Olenslde: new CemT-bungalews: stucce: 7 rbums. bath; bararain-$3800. Suburban Land Ce.. 3088 OaJmaS:town ave Ph Dla 71.13 and (a n""inTJi5Wl center-hall Colonial heuae. 0 chani.bare. 2 balh. .torereom. het-w'atr heftga and elec light 10 large cleaata 'HOWARD BUTLER. Nnrt'rth! PhS-nn j,OENTLEMAN'8 country estate for sals-"l 4rooms. 2 baths, trolley passes doer: rillcenvs ; price leg ( p). Ambler 877 ' v, ,HIGHLAND PARK Highland ave.. .i.Joining let Apply l.-.te N "9ih' "aAKDMORKSVJ5Si,,-4ndv''" rd ABM-f..iHl)Hulldlnr Ixit.PH. iii i10"' "" Nar,ou" "'" endi.nrf .a,U Improvements, w. S. Suther.land. Bala-Oynwyd. Pa and Ctnw?" 24"BER1VYNA??MPJ4ETB country estate of 78 acreflibl.SiV" nne 'tra ld?n":farmer-, hi.".'! "'' ceachman'a house,?lXVfi "'""-" hnea.ml,,C "U"' :TEAT TnHAT. Wavne P.BRIDESRURn"iS,?ICttS?i" T.-Slnrl.rn room, andceiv hem .iiT..i c""""en, large rooms; JAnmyhen 'eril 1"h, t,rl r.a.enabl,.'BVN MAWR"i'defeVrZ-n,?" '.! a lh...r..OEoiten: M T.'S,"t.,Su"f..-. """ "fer.-..-. n.F.Tin. inChestnutCYNWVDMTrrS;Al'NdT:gWE, with T"?S. i.e,y.n Jarbhe?.war.r'b.Wtut 30x180ft.:be bought rlshtconvenient te station, canTREAT AA TREAT. Wavn PaNEARING completien: med ,i..in.r. n u...wri2"'i?b,,'1i h,W. JL0"nd vvlll build gar.-... .n-i.nwye nnwiil 24?,Building letI UUACII, 410 M, Hread. Mprure 0203MAM!! I$;ih CASH buys beautiful miiaern i w, uetacheil 2W-terj lelllny, 4 bedroom,224 W. Fisher ave.. clnne te In;nrntle het-water heat, let 00x140: $8000.Church: 7 rooms. Inclesed perch, wide etreet,.NP- colonial dwelling, modern In every resectien: easy pamcni. n "u .apect: r. bedrooms, let 73xt2."; near UUth stI , I ""H I . " ' "liiil lit!S VV. k, -BUT I Tieui- ttmlI n j&Xa wakt te b a., iiprfr JI m''y fapcr-imahgei?!!C 0 T rV yA r r-nHil"'7i rv" ' fnM -m t m W v.M. AL' iaTi'f 6bT AL.inanmtMXfnAMmtMlAV ' .VDRKXF.L niM-DREXEL. HILL A"'d, l-W eemi Willi rijrn'i; 88e0 up. nih'maler.202 Llb'rty Rldjt' ' - n:"." ' ,rrsiva aasiiii i ii. "w!"f,T.irTTTa-K1.IU.N.1 I'AIIK II 1'nrw :il.KINH PARK II Pntlr HVi'.LMI rj,'j,ab4let fli"tt.10. I.nnnnn Rwt.'pnsn ,'Yprk dIllaltlaaJIftft,., f..tsTV.BITIIK ItKAIlT OfOlenslile WWrl"n7Heurnn hulldlnif site; ati.iar.'oeeninr or .i(ie nnn nuiMinirparticular. FKROlfSON A JOHNSON. r2fl8oermantewn aye, rnene D amone 7l.i3.SKW Colonial house, I'-rar trarAire, corner' nrnn.ff. tiAitlll,l err.itin.la n,td l.awlni.I Ct. H;e K, E.llett, ftoscmere and ClivedenaveHIOHLAM PAHliSINOLE stone dwelling, let 02x120: 4 bedrooms, tile bath: only a small amount ofcash necessary. WALTER A. McCLATCItY,70th and Market. tLansdewne 2001, , Open- ; "I". Hwii-in,.. tMODERN dwel. Hv, rtn.r din. rm . kltch.'. Iou. rms.. tue wain: let .lexiau: price, le,.7B0 e, L. Harnee, 1201 Cheftnut. Wal. 4(193.HOBHHAM IIF.UillTSKOR8IIAM HEIOHTB (near1 Willow brerei..ehiimlny Falls anmi choice bldir. lets.at train and trolley. $30 up; free title In'iirance: tnty pament: end for boekiitand plan uf modern bungaleue. Dla. 18D0.FERGUSON. Frent & Yerk .LANOIIOUNKhl'iiiiriian home, u-roem heu;: all con'venlenc-e: fine location; near trolley; perch,lawn, shade; few minute of elation.ARTHUR V. reWNSKNDLnfigherne. Pa.LNWnetVNEtllRKE-STORY BRICK. 0room; garage:a.iMiu,trelley: only$12,000CLAYTON REALTY CO.31 H LnndewnLansdown 11)71e.. Lanadawne,Paupen leuqyPARM-TTPE Colonist house. S bedrooms.3 baths, let 150x300 all conveniences, garage, garden and het-bedHUQHES H WALKER.,. "',""' J" ' '"yfifera-tVtSS,1;II.'B Land Title Hldg. Spruce 42577-room liou.e, electricle mitt.BAKEn A SON. 7,'IQ S 02d tnulldln Iits. rnctert life. Klc.HFTi-KtXJj lets en Improved ,ti.: lliTne un,aMC5rr,!v-,,2,0i ."', ,,ull,lJ for Purcnnscia.'CLAPTON. 81 S Ianiilewne ae. OpenSnndiy. Phene Linednivne 11)71Mr.DIAFOR SALECOLONIAL APARTMENT HOTEL.MEDIA. PA.Prepare for the Scaeul-CcntennUl 40.0f)0gueeta te be entertained, n.re your op ep opeortunity: Colonial Hetel .Media, p.. 11)0rooms, 21 Imths; 7 ntrcs beautiful grounds,geed train und trellej srvlce: low prlce forRn T I ivie. VI Seu,n nxc Media.DCn 1. L.CV15 fhene Media 430.NARnr.RTIINARBERTH Beet suburban bargain, 0room, detached; garage with pit: complete laundry, with Iren and machine out eutlets: nlc fixtures throughout. I-ekln waterheeter. large let, wall planted' fine willowahade In rear, near statien: Jd.100 for quicksale. 322 Dudley ay. Narherth 1201 W.PAOLIPAOLI PA Attractive home, modern andIn perfect order 12 rooms. 3 Iriths, 2perches, laundrj ; garr.g: for A care, withchauffeur's rooms and bath: tree, shrubbery,asparsgus and strawberry beds: gardenplinted. convenient te train and golf club.iir-.Niij i uAiin, agent, vaney reaa.P.iell. Phene Paell 1 13ROSEMONTROSEMONT, PA. Beautiful country seatiu minui"s irem siniien; iu acres: elegantmansion, fine hall with open flrenlaces. washand toilet room, parlor and library, diningroom, servants' dinlnir room, kitchen, butlers pantry ana clel en flrst floer: 0 bedroom and 2 bathroom en aecend floer:2 bedrooms and br.th nnd 3 room for maidsen third fleer; heust 1 lighted by eiectrlrltynnd gas; It has wide verandn nd baywindews: stable and aaraae. aardener'a net.tare and laundry en grounds; suitable forcollege or glrla' achoel. Fer information andprice nppiy te 2122 walnut st., l'hliadelphla.ROMANIM'SI.Y.S Mrnslen house, with j acresground, 0 bedrooms. 2 baths, with shower,hardwood foots, ret-water her. 4 fireplaces;.10 fruit trees and shade. Call J. PATANE.Willow Prove 81. or Rnslyn Hemntead efflce.IIOSLYN HOMESTEADS Houses, fl roomsand bath- conveniences, with fireplaces;let 1)0x173, $4COe: come today; de net milsopportunity send rei plan j i'atane.IIOSLYN PARKnaming UnaROSLYN PARK (above Glenslde) Train andtrolley, large lets, $200 up. water, gas elc.Due te low-priced jets nnd low taxes livingcosts are le than city, and health andhappln are nasured. Send for booklet.Suburban Land Ce . 2(138 Otn. ave Dla 7133.STRAFFORDDESIRABLE BUILDINO LOTS at $20 and$30 a front feet.TREAT. A TREAT Wayne. Pa.WAY.VKSTONE-AND-RRICK 13-room heuse. with 2baths, B chambers, central steam heat,electrlrllv, gas, 2 open fireplaces, hardwoodfleer througheut: heuae In pcrftct condition" acre of groundTREAT A TREAT. Wavn PaATTRACTIVE' stone-and-planter house 10room. 2 baths, open fireplace, 2 Inclesedperch', hardwood flrat fleer, het-vvnter h"at.electricity gas. let 70x150: $1(1.0(10.iiu.ai- c thkaTi vv avne. rnIIIrE clapboard house, living-room 14x21,with fireplace. 0 chambers, hefwatcr hent.electrlclt). gas, let 73x250 ft.; $8300.smaller heuees, $7300J M. FRONEFIKLD. Wavne. Pj.NEW JF.RHKV SUnUBIIWAt'DUUONAUDUBON 7-room heuee. modern, doublegarage, cer. let. $3230: blgsert snap tebeuth Jersey, $1200 ne-ded; C-room semlrbungalow, new, $.1700: $1000 needed: tl-rm.new bunsa.ew, het-water heat, $5200; $800needed, 0-room buncalew. Inclesed perch, let1011x110 $5000. AUDUBON REALTY OFFICE. 120 V. Atlantic ave. Opposite stnCAMDENCAMDEN btiHliKRa property, en Haddeu nvedirect thoroughfare te White Herse pikeand aeashere, extra large 3-ater cornerproperty. IP room ami stere: steam heatthis must IWfiren te be appreciated. ApplyR G VftwiiHart, Realtor. 320 Market strOLLINOHWOOD447.10 Living room, dining room, kitchen,pantry: eutaid shed en flrat floer: 3 bedrooms and bath en second fleer, large attic;S, " r.cenv.".,i Jmrned pe. Colllrcswned RE, Ce., 728 Hadden ave. Hell. 1U3.I and 8B.1.E'P'T nCJOMH and bath, let .111x175. priceBI?A0B0E0,i4Co'e'hnrc,-hqeU,,1B()0- ' LU13F.MRVIEWATTRACTIVE HOMES. , TAIRVIEWWn,ntXl,he'S: ."" of 4. 5 0 and 7room home detached corner end and Inlde. in Fnlrvlew. from 2J0() te initienever again will such house be offered".''hi? ,.1,,.'.r". Tr 'meeters at the prlcsisubatantlally built of brick, flnl-hed In white;"u"l"niiiiy punt or hrlck. flnl-hMl, ".."?. 'j?r. reef. bathtrlelty, . heater, double floors drv cellar-Wi Plnlffd and papered; large Ieta, we cun.ive Immediate possession te home seekersr renl te big advantage for Investors; wes.W n.D"ns? wlbeut chrae. we have oldfll) home In this beautiful suburb of rim??," because our price are right; call andour jerm.7 frnirey" "nSE.VTf reril' KSf re' Ferrv. Camden, direct te our office."" ":.l.u,.un' aiierneana and Sunday.t-elllnga and Kearsarge uvea.FalrvlewI WILL SELL for a Fnlrvlew home and vonri,.1i?'k,n" " ou would rent, J3 te $8.1melithl, ; houses are selling for one-half ofbuilding cot. down pament convenientlyemail, a postal card or a phone call willbring jeu full particular".SAMUEL ROSNKR 1398 Ceiling rdralrvlew;. Camden. Ji. J. Camden 3t05 JOpen Sundaj and eveningBy Jack Wilsenh r .. ilnNBWt.Aftiir: lK-roem hoeaf. all oenv-t.cm hoeaf. all ec-.-acre lart'li '.. iny ," -AXi itn,.. aMttxT Meant. EPHralsa.JIV J. vy,j f , ,, ,.lfl.1SSWfi': -' .: "'i: ....ivata MT(".B2!lAtEIGHT ROOl."an4 K'l'ie!.0 A&i.'LKjfil$5000; rash required $1800. Apply LUWiriBLASH, 400 Richly ave. 1 'viv .waiaarvatTAeiHORK .ATTNTICCITY.'tl. Ni Bllm.ur.,l 'M"rooms and p hatha' cfma te u'tr ' BuHaUta:ja ,'1.xinn triTP. for sale: gat. electricity ana all3.K!.nS 'lifitwiiVW;ti V 7C jalejB ,n tewr; ewn,r ' 15351fe:SM;.E.,.,,.l-5P ' WaMsP; rei.Liy USliTi wx , -$IB0 LOT8 for aaie: . tmtmiw snawj slmprovemepts'.en direct trolley ', 1lnntle City: $3 'down, 5 monthly! vaw JI'leasantvilltj. N J.: owner en premises) frei fT.a. - xt .1 A r H.tnalav.'C0Lle"TT. 'Atlantic City. N. J,NKW JKR1F.V entAIHimBATIaANTIOCITYlEAL'TJFUI. cer. home. Lheiaea. sawPacific ave,. u ncaroenis, a "" ViTJHfor annrtment: een view: we il nnaissp.Alir.RNETHY. 1328 Cheetnut at.AVALONUnlldlnr XxtT1IRUIJ ),OTH,vhear Beardwalk: AValen.7Jnaulr by ButJ . irijiinj i ussa17L2 !4 Hread. at-r-rtr-R-tN CITYOCEAN CITY Five moms, modern througp threugp througpeut 'furnlshed. $4000, 1 -square; te peeanSe'e "CROSS," at N. K oer. 32d andAa;bury ave.. Sundays, or Remember ' VRSwatnnd for nil that's geed real estate, BBOtand Larchwood ave.. Philadelphia.vVlLnweftp' Biittdlng t-sleCENTRAL location, near beardwalk: cxcai.lent commercial, epanmem or nuici iiaa.SIMON WEIL, 1141 N. 2d st.PENNSYLVANIA FARMSSIXTY-SEVEN ACRES North Wales section, nttrnctlve homestead property, withotd-faahlened modernized stone dwelling. Battine In nicely from main read: atone andfrnme farm buildings: smooth south-lay BgUnd with 2 read frontage? all growingcrop Included: priced te effect Immediateml ai)d ean be financed very liberally forgeed party.BROWN & CLOUD,Succeeded by CLAYTON L. BROWIf41 IJ. Main t.. Norrltewn. Pa.114-ACHB fertile farm: 100 acrea under eml emltlvatlen: large barn. In geed conditien:Hrue stone heuse: require repairs: beautifully located en high surface, State read.lying between Penneyhanla andPl.Ha. andReading Ry. atatlerrs; within B mlnutss'reach by meter of Pheenlxvttle or ValleyForge Stations, excellent train service: willaccept half cash; balance en long-termmertgaKn; Immediate possession; with cropsor crop reserved. Apply 2228 Land TltlaBldg . Philadelphia. .133 ACHES State read, near ataam andtrelley: progressive aectlen Menttr. Ce.;main dwelling has het-water heat, bath, etc.:geed tenant house, large farm eutbuildings:heavy oak and hickory timber: meadow withstream: spring: price only about $100 faracre: fine terms.BROWN & CLOUDSucceeded by CLAYTON L. BROWM41 E. Main at.. Norrlstewn. Pa.f2.1(IO WORTH CROPS INCLUDEDwith this 75-acre farm between Norrlsteramsnd Cnllegevllle; 13 miles north City LinCexy 1 0-room stone dwelling. Extra 88head b.irn Poultry buildings 000 head.Picturesque brook. Five acrea timber. Ballnext te virgin. Shows Pre"Pr'yr ". r.fturns en sight. Sacrifice. 19000. Detailsand photos through Reese A Llnderman.K I' Airy at . fferrumwii,IORTY ACRES Village farm, with runequipment, unusually neat tone buildings:owner must move for teod reasons aVMquotes speculative price.BROWN & CLOUDSucceeded by CT.AYTON la. BROWW. BROWN (rwn. P.f ,rooms. .bsAIa.v. H.-talMTpf1: this wevftd41 E. Main at.. Norrlstewn. FaVCOIjONIAL HOUSE Twenty rooms.wide percnes ana large nwn;a-r.Al: frent: 130 acre of land:make a nrt recreation cnvr or ennaheme: low price for quick sale: Imraadjate)tvnsseaslen: 100 ether farm bargains. BKsTT. LEVIS. Media, Pa.. 21 Seuth ave. nsiia-.n- iia....-, .,. -,... .nut Hill: handy te Roxberoutrh: within ra 9 VHIshot of Oermantewn or old Rldga plksilt Jvlroom brick dwelling: Springfield water. $ kVshet-water heat, open atalra. garage. pe$ihouse, truck patch and lawn; neuu; waMt comparison, Reese LinaermiE C Airy st.. Norrlstewn,iiYibtv.9P.VEN ACRES Mainread, aaet: excellasriepa; raeMtf'11 trolley frentags: stone buildingsland enerea witn iuii greirina ,te slip right into.BROWN & CLOUDSucceeded by CLAYTON I BROWIf41 E. Main St.. Norrlstewn. Pa.OVERLOOKING TOWN) AND DEPOTThis 11-acre poultry and fruit farm. Cemmandlng view Cozy B-room bungalow.Neat barn Fruits. Chestnut loam soil.One of these few kind the city man dreamsabout. $2750. Inspect through Reese ALlnderman 9 E C. Airy st . Norrlstewn.FARMS, with growing crops, near Nerrla.tewn: priced te sell: state slxe.MARVIN B BRUNNEn. Worcester. Pa.NKW JEHSF.Y FARMSFARrVK in sunny southernrrtlMVUJ NEW JERSEYSend for our free illustrated catalogue, map'and photo describing farm bargains aroundBEAUTIFUL VINELAND and adjoiningcounties, also nesr cesst; close te AtlanticCity, th p!a ground of America: greatestfruit and poultry renter and the vverld'a beatmaiket. speclallrlng In fruit and poultryfarms, also grain, dairy, truck and generalfarm at owners' lowest prices. Net connectwith any city rarm agencie. vve personallylhsprct esch and every farm vve offer, pricesrange from 11000 up. Many with only $500cash, stocked snd equipped. Tell us whatjeu want. Writ teda. ,VINKLAND FARM AGENCY519 C Landl ave,. Vlneland N. J.FARM Ntni acrea In town, adjelnltwrttlMTI UiRi ,tatlen. 1 square te stores,schools, bus Unci commuting distance Phlla.:4V. acres asparagus' Income $123 week; namtrawlerrles. new 7-room bungalow everycenvenience: geed outbuildings, fruited, stockand equipment rncluded. $7100 terms' po pe poealen. Other preperths Walter DeCamp,27 Cooper t. Woodbury. N JMARYLAND FARMSWATERFRONT FARM for aale. en macadamre.cl, near Salisbury. Md . geed location.fertile anil, Keed house Per particularsaddress Samuel P Woodcock. Salisbury. 314.REAL ESTATE SALE OR REITSriTYlliielne I'repertle and storerOR SALE en RENT Frent bel Pine st.rcentral mndxrn garage 3,1x21)0 C. GOLDMAN 7 2.1 WalnutatNKH li:R'K SKAMIOHKATLANTIC CITYri'RNISHrj) 13 room heuae. modern con cenvenlnceL 3 Laths, perches, yard, 210 Pacific nve 'REAL ESTATE WANTEDWIJ HAVE a demand for properties In all,aectlen of the elt . 25 YEARS' KXPHRIENC1'. INSI'RIH REAL MJRVICBA. I'. HUMSrci.L.N II cer IBIh and Tasker stl ' TifSSUSSSi. -. -WANT te hear from owner having farm foraale, glvu part'cular and leweat prles.iuiiim j. iii.aukPennsyivsnla st.. Chippewa Falls. Wis:HOUSE wanted en euiaklrta of Phlla,, abeittu n i. nine iram i-nua.i imeteara takenof property, rent 60 te I75i July 1 tsSpt. 1.1. mll family. M 024. LedOaTTF YOUR PROPERTY Is pried' right. I"vlJL. ,l,!.Hrt. T.iiinw,(.i.AuiitJitr,B4th and Olrard ave. A)W.T. 'S!!11; ?Jin,i 8 ,lerv dwellings lav! ,iWest Phil idelphia or In Seuth PhlladeH 'Bhla Addreaa T Bftl. IaH... T Si- """fl 1WE CAN VxiLU that preniptly fortnun .unci uiircr vvaitingi2101) Catharine. LecUat 00.WANTED, off by Itnelf, small furnished sitnge. high and quiet. C le Butleinriiiiiiitre, iqir VOUIl PROPERTY IS PRICED JU..ii .vu u. jreyers waiting i.i.viiiiiiii.n. n.in arideulcTIICAT. V.H-PA-Le lri KftAn nAi.i. a. .a........ .....,, a. .m, uyvw ...i.iiiaurv a.., .CLIENTS watit's- for apt. prep, eyer' JBO.SMl. Phtla. nlnhart.'lR'4 rihltTZZlcent, or w,1 ftjarUP.'gfeJlSRBCLIENTS waiting fornae your wcauiiiwwJMmfeiiw'ii.vWANT HOUBE'ln W. PiilU:.t'P,SZmtSlM'SLS'StJtf W8K. imain a gwa, j ubb. air Bsn.iaj.ai; finriit-i: -f, pT" " f.it I.". .Ps7NKIiri,VAWfA-..fTnfsjjADESIREfoeksej SB4walkar.fjUlrsrd ava. ,iia1 1 AVE a .number of buyers seeking Mmttfwitranging In price frem,4J0 te $3080; wSal4xighav ou te effur? I' f(Urt, ledger Office, T wVVIflWANTED PROPIJRTIKH SOUTH OF-MAJ-J ','ket street for eulck aal. WHalT OHII.A' .HxBfflsHiii. '7 jjjLJttmeBMMrjfl- yjji:arw'1 - J'M--iiif;itiA'i'Jvim , &,.'&).' l
Elc Big City Garage Manual Release